
Although March isn't over yet we have been working on some great things that I couldn't wait to share. 

Kindergarten is beginning to use printmaking this month. Using found objects to make trees and things that are found up in trees. 

1st grade looked at the Northern Lights.  Looking at the map we identified the places in the world that can view the Northern Lights. Looking at real pictures of the Northern Lights we idenitfied colors that we saw and which ones appeared the most. This also lead us to look at the other things in the picture. Most other items appeared black which brought up silhouettes.  These were going to be added to the students pictures also.  Using chalk pastels students created the Northern Lights in the sky that ran from the top to the bottom of the pictures.  Stars and/or moon were also added into the skies. Over top the silhouettes were added with items influenced by the pictures viewed or the student's ideas. 

2nd grade has started to look at geometric shapes.  Students attempted to create a 3D verison of a cube using only one piece of paper.  Afterwards we listed what was successful and what was not and how we could change things that did not work.  Using a template students created their own cubes.  One each side of cube shows a color family: primary colors, secondary colors, warm colors, cool colors, complementary colors, analogous colors or neutral colors.  

3rd grade is getting close to the PSSAs and we are looking at 3D forms.  Students reviews at different  3D forms. Interest was shown at a wireframe cube out of paper.  Students will be creating their own wireframe cube.  Looking at the vertices a cube has which will provide the structure for their cubes.  Using pieces of posterboard folded in half these will be pieced together to create cubes.


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